Club History

The Corte Madera Lions Club was chartered in 1951 by twenty-five local businessmen who believed there was a place and a need for an active service club.

In 1952, Club members voted to build a recreation center. The Town donated the site and by 1954 the town folk were invited to a New Year’s Eve Party to celebrate the new building.  Fortunately there were many contractors and tradesmen in the Club who donated their skills and hours. The only paid worker was one construction foreman. In 1956 the Lions Club deeded the building to the town of Corte Madera.  The Recreation Center later was renamed The Corte Madera Community Center.

In 1958, Club members helped to build the outdoor patio. This was remodeled in later years, again by the Club, and the area is used for many events.

In 1987, Lions International voted to allow women to join the Lions Clubs. Our Corte Madera Club has welcomed many women and has had two female Presidents.

We’re a founding contributor of the Town Band and present their two annual concerts.